Do You Know About Google Remarketing?

Google Remarketing Infographic

Have you ever noticed a particular website that keeps showing up wherever you are on the web after you have visited their website? If so, you have just experienced what Google Remarketing is all about. Google Remarketing is essentially a form of online advertising that is used to increase conversions when used in conjunction with other forms of online marketing strategies like PPC or SEO. It […] Read more »

The Imminent Death of Windows Server 2003

Windows Servers Infographic

By July 14, 2015 Microsoft will stop supporting Windows Server 2003. For those that run a business chances are that this will affect them if it hasn’t already. What can be done to easily transition a business’ IT and avoid several vulnerabilities that will plague a company if they do nothing? As a cloud service provider with many Windows servers, NIRIX was faced with several challenges […] Read more »

Public Transit Safety Gets a Boost From Mobile WiFi Solutions

Public Transit Wifi Infographic

Ridership on public transit has increased by over 37 percent since 1995. In 2013 alone, public transit agencies provided 10.7 billion trips across the U.S. This increase in ridership means an increase in overall safety, as those who use public transit are less at risk for collisions and crimes, according to the 2014 article in the Journal of Public Transportation. As the American Public Transit […] Read more »

Zen Assets Vs Traditional Players

Investment Consulting Infographic

Zen Assets is a new age investment management service that offers investors considerable benefits such as professional advice, industry-proven methodology, complete transparency about fees and higher accessibility. Zen Assets eliminates overhead traditionally associated with investing by applying cutting-edge technology. As a result, you get unbiased advice for a much lower cost. Tired of paying huge fees to your underperforming human advisor? Switch to Zen Assets […] Read more »

8 Amazing Facts You Didn’t Know About Cold Brew Coffee

Cold Brew Coffee Infographic

Cold brew coffee is sweeping the nation and winning the hearts of millions. While it was originally offered in local coffee shops it’s now being offered by bigger brands including Starbucks in some of their stores. In the infographic below we will be sharing 8 things you didn’t know about cold brew coffee including what it is, how to brew it, what it tastes like, […] Read more »

Ice, Ice, Maybe?

Healing with Ice Infographic

This infographic expertly explains the drawbacks of only using ice to heal a fitness injury. It also shows the benefits of combining ice and heat together for a smooth recovery. This information is pertinent to everyone from the beginning athlete to the seasoned fitness expert. Read more »

30 Ideas for a Bachelor/Bachelorette Party

Party Ideas Infographic

If you are planning a bachelor/bachelorette party, this collection of 30 ideas for a private party is the ultimate resource of inspiration. Collected by event professionals, these ideas have been tested by thousands of event planners and guarantee a lot of fun for you and your friends. Some ideas fit only bachelor parties, some are exceptionally universal. Most of the ideas give an estimated price, […] Read more »

Which RomCom Is Right For You?

Romantic Comedy Infographic

Planning to hit the couch and watch a feel good romantic comedy movie? Romantic comedy films are films with humorous plotlines centered on romantic ideals like love conquers all or destiny is true. But there are just too many of them that it’s hard to decide what to watch. Let us help you decide which one is best for you. Whether you’ll be watching alone […] Read more »

A Graphical Guide on Types of Bike Crashes

Motorcycle Accidents Infographic

Over 53,000 lives are claimed yearly due to bike crashes in India. Avoid becoming a victim of such mishaps by understanding the mechanism of the various bike crashes as explained in this infographic. Many insurance companies provide a two wheeler insurance policy to protect you and your loved ones from such fatalities. Read more »