How to Hypermile – A Guide

Hypermiling Infographic

Below is an easy to understand infographic on how you can change your driving habits in order to improve the fuel efficiency of your driving and improve how many miles per gallon you get. You get to save money and help do your part for the world to make it a greener place. It’s a win-win situation! Start with buying a fuel consumption gauge for […] Read more »

The Ultimate Guide to Vehicle Modification for Improved Fuel Efficiency

Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Infographic

Below is an easy to understand infographic on how you can modify your vehicle in order to improve its fuel efficiency. Not only do you get to save money on fuel but as you will be using less fuel you will be doing your bit for the environment. Start with buying a fuel consumption gauge to monitor how the changes you make impact your miles […] Read more »

The Ultimate Guide to Soundproofing a Room

Sound Proofing Your Home Infographic

Below is a handy and easy to understand guide on how to improve the noise insulation of any room you like. Included is an easy step by step guide on how to improve the soundproofing of any solid wall and party walls, as well as timber ceilings and floors. This easy to follow guide has low cost changes and more expensive technical home improvements, which will […] Read more »

Advanced Google Search Operators

Search Operators Infographic

Google and other search engines have advanced features that let you narrow in on your searches to exactly what you want. You can change your search location, the time frame when the articles were created, images, videos, news, maps, and more. These are the standard search features Google has, but there are others called advanced search operators. Advanced Google search operators are essentially hacks and […] Read more »

How Does Your City Rate for Senior Care?

US Senior Care Infographic

Finding the best fit when it comes to senior care for a loved one or yourself can be a long, difficult process. At, they try to do everything they can to make it even just a bit easier. Their Best of 2015 Awards help showcase the best senior care nationwide: assisted living, in-home care, and other senior living all included. The awards were given based […] Read more »

Celebrate National Nursing Assistants Week With Famous Nurses from TV and the Movies

Nursing is a noble profession as it inspires people to provide great care and services to patients.  For fun, let’s see the nurses who made big names in the world—whether they were on TV or in the actual nursing world. Not everybody knows what International Nurses Day (May 12) and National Nursing Assistants Week (June 12-19) are. To begin with, May 12 is the special day […] Read more »

Top Casino Wins in the US

Casino Wins Infographic

From a babysitter commemorating her grandmother, to a mobile gambler, and a stingy slot machine that had to pay out twice, these are real, awe-inspiring “rags to riches” stories that will restore your belief in luck. Check out the infographic below for more on the top wins at casinos around the United States. Infographic provided by Empire City Casino Read more »

10 Inspirational Quotes for Fed-Up Students

Inspirational Quotes Infographic

Contrary to popular belief student life isn’t all about partying and sitting in your pajamas watching daytime TV. It’s hard work! When you have a dissertation to write and heaps of exam prep to do it can all get a little bit too much. As feelings of stress and anxiety mount, you’d be forgiven for thinking that you’ll never be able to get through your […] Read more »

8 Steps to Keeping Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

Teeth Care Infographic

Oral care is an important aspect of everyone’s overall health. Many people do not realize the importance of having good oral health and rely the health of their teeth and gums to brushing alone. However, brushing is not enough to give you the perfect smile that you’ve always wanted. Check out this infographic and learn 8 easy steps to keep your gums and teeth healthy. […] Read more »

10 Things You Should Know About Cozumel

Cozumel Travel Infographic

Below is a useful infographic for those wishing to travel to Cozumel and who already have a trip planned. Find out where exactly Cozumel is located and a rough estimate of flight times from locations throughout the continental U.S and Canada. Also included are other destinations close by and how to get to them. And if you’re not sure what to do once you find yourself […] Read more »