Metaphors: Words That Sell

Metaphors Infographic

Millions of dollars are lost and endless hours of effort are wasted because of failed communication. How can you guarantee that what you say resonates? How can you turn the complex into the simple? Shift perceptions to your advantage? Close business more quickly? Rally others to your cause? The answer is to master the overlooked power of metaphor. a timeless, cost-free—and overlooked–communication tool. In this […] Read more »

10 Funniest Things to do to Get Accepted Into a Fraternity

Fraternity Pledges Infographic

Joining a fraternity is a dream for many male freshman students. Usually, even before they are accepted to a college they know everything about the possible fraternities: members, anthems, and traditions. But what they usually don’t know, is what it takes to become a member of a brotherhood, because these traditions are really crazy. But at the same time they are really fun, at least for […] Read more »

The Benefits of Singing

Singing Benefits Infographic

Singing is a very popular pastime. People love to sing for one very simple reason: singing makes them happy. But there is more to singing than happiness. Numerous research studies have proven that singing has many health and psychological benefits. Health benefits of singing include a better immune system, lower blood pressure, overall well-being and maybe even a longer life. Singing also influences our mind and […] Read more »

Portland Bicycle Rentals

Portland Bike Rentals Infographic

Portland, Oregon is one of the most bicycle friendly cities in the United States, with more than 6% of commuters doing so on bikes! With all of the fun things to see and do in the Portland area, there are plenty of reasons to rent a bike. You can rent different styles and sizes, and rental durations go anywhere from one hour to a full […] Read more »

2015 Private Jet Aviation Industry

Private Jet Infographic

Because the private jet industry is closely tied to domestic and international business travel, most of the popular private jet destinations are cities or countries that are major business hubs. These include Dubai, Tokyo, London, New York City, Long Island, Houston and California’s Silicon Valley. Important political places such as Geneva, France, Switzerland, and Washington D.C. factor in as well. Switzerland played an especially important […] Read more »

Evolution of the Home Phone

Home Phone Evolution Infographic

New and enhanced features are making home phones more desirable than ever. Everything from increased security and convenience to more affordable international options are available with today’s user-focused technology. Even with the use of cell phones, email and social media for communicating with friends, family and others, many people continue to find value in having a home phone as well. Read more »

How to Use Social Media Thought Leaders to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

Social Media Traffic Infographic

This infographic was created because too many great writers get little to no views, social media shares, links or rankings from all the hard work they put in. The main reason this happens is because they don’t have connections within their industry to help them spread the word about their great content. This infographic provides a template for finding social media thought leaders in your industry, […] Read more »

7 Do’s and Don’ts of Dataviz

Data Visualization Infographic

Visualizing your data is exciting and fun! Since the goal is to make your data more easily consumable, these seven Do’s and Don’ts of Dataviz can get you off to a great start whether you’re an experienced UX pro or a beginner just starting out for the first time.  7 Do’s and Don’ts of Dataviz by Infragistics WPF Controls. Read more »

The Rise of the Cyber Criminal

Cyber Criminals Infographic

Cybercrime is at epidemic proportions these days, and all signs indicate it’s only going to get worse as time goes on. As everything from our social security numbers to medical records, to transactions at the local store increasingly take place in cyberspace, our need for protections from online criminals grows. So exactly how bad is the problem? This infographic created by the University of Cincinnati […] Read more »

How the Inkjet Printer Works

The technology has been around since 1988 but have you ever wondered how exactly your inkjet printer works? In this infographic you will learn that this all important workhorse is a lot more impressive than you might initially think. Before inkjet the go-to technology was “Dot Matrix.” Matrix printers can be best compared to a typewriter. This technology creates characters on paper by striking an […] Read more »