All You Need to Know About Living and Working in Dubai

Living in Dubai Infographic

With more and more people moving to Dubai and the UAE over the past few years, it is important for Westerners to know exactly what to expect in terms of culture, tradition and laws. Although Dubai is regarded as one of the most liberal places in the Middle East, it is still a Muslim city and its culture is still heavily rooted in scared traditions. With […] Read more »

ECOnomic Benefits of the Feed-in Tariff Scheme

Feed-In Tariff Scheme Infographic

Using information from Ofgem and the UK Government we take you through several reasons why installing the latest eco-friendly technologies in your home can help you lower your household bills. Utilizing technologies such as solar panels can help you benefit financially (from the feed-in tariff scheme) while also helping to secure a brighter future for our planet. Read more »

eCommerce: Retail’s New Storefront

Ecommerce Infographic

It’s official, shoppers have turned to eCommerce to purchase their goods. The amount of online shopping is increasing more each year and it doesn’t look like it is going to stop anytime soon. eCommerce is quickly changing the storefront retail industry and how people shop. This means that the marketing industry is going to change the way it advertises to consumers too. Koeppeldirect has created […] Read more »

The Reality and Solution of College Plagiarism

College Plagirism Infographic

Plagiarism has been an ongoing issue in the education system for years, both intentionally and by mistake. You may not know this, but there are many different types of plagiarism. You could commit plagiarism by the most common route of submitting someone else’s work word for word, re-writing someone else’s work without citing it, or the lesser common routes of failing to cite quotations, mixing […] Read more »

Social Work and the Ideals of Social Justice

Social Justice Infographic

The news has been filled with issues of race, religion, gender equality, and many other topics of social justice. Social justice is the idea that every person deserves equal opportunities in every facet of life. The University of New England helps us understand the role of social workers in the world of social justice including equal political rights and opportunities (including civil rights), equal social rights and […] Read more »

Top Tips for Sweet Dreams

Tips for Sleep Infographic

After a long, hard day at work, there’s nothing we look forward to more than coming home, crawling into bed and falling asleep. But there is nothing worse than coming home, crawling into bed, and having a bad night’s sleep! So House of Fraser have put together this helpful infographic packed full of tips to get the best possible night’s sleep. They give you the […] Read more »

NBA All Star Game Stats and Facts

NBA All Star Game Infographic

The NBA All Star Game is less than a week away, scheduled to kick it into high gear on February 15. If you need a crash course on who’s in, game stats and history, this infographic has you covered. Here you can find roster information, fun facts and stats of previous winners. Powered by Read more »

2014 Report on Motoring

Ever wondered the percentage of drivers who had points on their license? Or how many people age 15-24 who admitted to texting while driving? The RAC has put together a motoring report of UK roads and drivers for 2014, which answers both these questions and more. It looks at the government’s budget for road maintenance, people’s views and habits when behind the wheel, trouble with the […] Read more »

Calgary Real Estate Market Statistics

Calgary Real Estate Infographic

Homeowners might be a little confused these days and may not fully understand where Calgary’s real estate prices are heading in the coming months. The fifty percent drop in oil prices is quite significant to property owners and many are on the edge of fully understanding the implications that the current economics may have on their property values. Take a look at the infographic below to […] Read more »

Technology in Sport – Cheating or Progress?

Sports Technology Infographic

Technology is an essential part of sport, and technological development is inevitable. But where do we draw the line? Athletes routinely use technology to optimize technique and sports apparel, and equipment is constantly re-engineered to enhance and optimize performance. The question is, who is responsible for success – the athlete or the technology? have produced an infographic dealing with this very question. We must […] Read more »