Celebrities on the Move

Celebrity Homes Infographic

The lives of the rich and famous tend to be on display for the entire world to see day in and day out. With that being said, have you ever wondered how A-list celebrities move to and from their mega homes without ever being seen? Most of these moments are never caught on camera, which is incredible to think since most paparazzi tend to stay […] Read more »

6 Inspiring Modern-Day Entrepreneurs and What We Can Learn From Them

Inspiring Entrepreneurs Infographic

All successful businesses started somewhere but even when small businesses start at the same place, they don’t always become successful. So how can those small businesses achieve similar success level? This infographic from the University of Maryland School of Business (http://onlinemba.umd.edu/) talks about six modern-day entrepreneurs, their accomplishments, and what we can learn from them. Read more »

Treatment for Prescription Drug Abuse and Addiction

Drug Addiction Treatment Infographic

Did you know that approximately 2 million people used non-medical prescription drugs for the first time in the past year? Learn more about the dangers of prescription drug abuse and addiction and how you can prevent this fatality from happening in your own home. This infographic will show current and surprising statistics about prescription drug abuse and addiction. Although these drugs are legal (through a […] Read more »

Top Cross Country Road Trip Routes

Cross Country Road Trip Infographics

Hitting the open road and embarking on a cross-country journey holds unbounded allure for thousands of travelers every year. It’s no wonder that the cross-country road trip is one of America’s favorite vacations and most popular pastimes. While road trips are an attractive choice, planning for one isn’t nearly as fun. In fact, studying atlases or using Google maps to route your journey can be […] Read more »

Affordable Care Act Penalties and How to Qualify for an Exception

Affordable Care Act Infographic

Healthcare can be complex, but this infographic makes it simple by helping you understand how the Affordable Care Act may affect you or your family. Also known as Obamacare, there is a lot to know about the Affordable Care Act, including the penalties for not having health insurance. You may have to pay a penalty on your taxes if you do not have health coverage. […] Read more »

FinanceU Syllabus

Financing College Infographic

Obtaining a college degree can be a financial burden on parents as well as students. Between the prices of tuition, books, food, and dorms, the costs just keep adding up and it is only getting worse. The goal for this infographic is to help students and parents navigate the debt accrued during college that cripples families financially. The FinanceU infographic provides a crash course in preparing […] Read more »

Find the Quicker Path to File Your 1099s and W-2s

Tax Fixing Infographic

Staying in compliance with the Internal Revenue code during tax time takes patience. The tax preparation burden on business owners grows each year, with increasing regulations and costs. According to the NSBA Small Business Taxation Survey, almost one half of small business owners spent over $5,000 on federal tax administration. This results in one in three business owners thinking that tax complexity is a critical […] Read more »

IT and the Internet: The Last 30 Years

Internet Timeline Infographic

Have you ever asked yourself how the Internet and Information Technology (IT) developed so fast in the last few decades? Or maybe you’ve wondered who the people were who invented the digital tools we now take for granted? We are in the middle of a technology revolution, which keeps reinventing itself faster and faster. The infographic below, “IT And The Internet: The Last 30 Years,” provides insights […] Read more »

4 Investment Strategies to Grow Your Wealth

Investment Strategies Infographic

You’ve probably heard that it is important to start saving for retirement while you are young. You don’t have to be wealthy to start investing and the team at Motif Investing has provided 4 tips to grow your wealth in this infographic. From tips showcasing the small amounts that add up to diversifying your portfolio, these suggestions can help give you an edge toward meeting […] Read more »

The Incredible Growth of the Australian Cruise Industry

Australian Cruising Infographic

It’s all about Australia’s booming cruise industry, which is the fastest-growing on the planet. In the past decade, the number of passengers taking to the high seas has grown by 500% – so it’s a pretty popular holiday choice! The infographic below shows information on which destinations are most popular with cruise travelers and where the majority of cruise fans live. Read more »