Unusual Jobs of Famous Writers

Writers' Weird Jobs Infographic

Do you still think that current big-name authors were successful from the beginning? Definitely, no! You will be surprised at which ways they were moving forward and which jobs they had before they started reaping the fruits of their writing labor This infographic will tell you about different little-known facts of your favorite writers. Have you ever imagined that Steven King was once working as […] Read more »

Office Cleaning Checklist

Office Cleaning Checklist

A clean office is essential for keeping employees healthy and productive. What’s more is that the state of your office can influence your client relationships (afterall, who would want to work with a business that doesn’t keep its premises clean and tidy?). To keep employee sick days to a minimum and reduce the risk of injuries, thorough office cleaning is required. Following an office cleaning […] Read more »

Up in Legal Smoke: Canada’s Marijuana Mess

Marijuana Laws Infographic

There is a fight to legalize marijuana all over the world. In many countries it is an illegal substance. However, when it comes to enforcing the law, the situation is not so clear. Some people get punished harshly, while others get away easily. That is especially the case in Canada, where there are big contradictions in implementing the law. Actually, there is one huge legal […] Read more »

The ROI of Employee Financial Literacy

Employee Finance Infographic

Every year employers lose employee resources to financial stress, and there’s a direct link between employee financial literacy and productivity. This infographic illustrates the ROI employers can experience if they provide employees with financial coaching, and some of the pitfalls their employees are currently falling into. Read more »

Do Free Stuff Sites Actually Offer Freebies?

freebies infographic

There are lots of free stuff sites on the web now, and some people think they are a huge con. WOW FreeStuff have come up with a excellent infographic to show you if you are actually getting freebies or not. There are ways to find out and questions you need to ask yourself. Everyone loves a good freebie or free sample and and this infographic […] Read more »

10 Ways to Transform Your Shed

Shed transformation infographic

Pub sheds have taken the Internet by storm, with photos of all kinds of creations, from authentic pubs equipped with dart boards and stuffed animal heads, to modern cocktail bars with fluorescent signs. All you need is a bar, the alcohol, and people to drink with. 1.5 million people in Britain literally work from their house; a way to separate work and pleasure is having […] Read more »

5 Reasons to Stop Multitasking

Multitasking infographic

How many reasons will you find to stop multitasking? Even if you think that multitasking helps you do more things at once, it makes you less productive, distracted and even fatter. Studies show that there is actually no such thing as multitasking. What we call multitasking is really rapid switching from task to task. Learn five reasons to stop rapidly switching tasks and start being […] Read more »

The Importance of Pruning Your Trees

Tree pruning infographic

Proper care is essential to maintain healthy trees. That is why this infographic explores the importance of tree pruning. Learn about the different types of tree pruning, check out the truth behind some of the most misconstrued tree pruning myths, find out why you need to stop topping your trees, and understand why it’s best for professional arborists to be doing your tree pruning for […] Read more »

How to Run a Marathon

Marathon Training Infographic

You might be preparing for your first marathon, or a veteran of running 26.2 miles and looking to improve your time. Either way, finding tips to running a marathon successfully are always helpful. Since it isn’t always as easy as quickly just putting one foot in front of the other, this infographic was created with you in mind. Learn how to bust marathon myths you […] Read more »

Lifespan of a Social Media Post

Social Media Posting Infographic

Have you ever wondered why a post on social media seems to disappear into thin air after an hour of posting?  You’ve put a load of effort in only to find your window of opportunity has soon vanished. How long does a typical post on Facebook or Twitter last? What is the lifespan of social media posts & what can you to do increase it? This infographic created […] Read more »