Want to know how many non smoking days it will require for your organs to restore their functions? Or the benefits to your health after just 20 minutes, 8 hours, one week and one month after your last cigarette? Just review our infographic.
For example, in 5 years you will benefit from a decreased risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases like coronary heart disease, angina and heart attacks. A long-term benefit is that non-smokers live on average 10 years longer than smokers. This fact is undeniable and confirmed by thousands of clinical and non-clinical investigations.
Of course, quitting is not as easy as many non-smokers think, but it is worth the struggle. There are many ways and resources available now. Are you ready to enjoy a smoke-free life? Then begin your battle right away by promising yourself and your family to quit smoking once and for all.
Infographic Source – http://www.dx-health.com/blog/stop-smoking/when-you-give-up-smoking-infographic.html