Leading Causes of Workplace Injuries

The U.S. spends over $55.4 billion annually treating workplace injuries. This infographic explores the 10 most common types of injuries in the workplace where that money is spent. Amazingly, the first three types of injuries account for over fifty percent of the injuries that occur. By showing what types of injuries are most common, we hope to create awareness.

Reducing hazards in the workplace by focusing on what types of injuries occur, can help in creating a successful reduction both in costs and injuries. If your company retains data on specific injuries, you could further tailor your efforts to reduce or remove hazards. Pointing out hazards and directing people away from hazardous areas through the use of signage, floor tapes and other safety visuals can help in your efforts to reduce injuries. Saving money and reducing injuries – Who doesn’t want that for their business?

workplace injury infographic


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