If you have ever fed chickens, you know it can be messy. If you are thinking of keeping chickens in the future, you will figure this out quickly. One way to remedy the mess of feeding chickens is to ferment their feed.
The process of fermentation is not hard but does require you to plan out a few days before you can start feeding it to your flock. Fermenting your chicken feed has many more benefits than just decreasing the mess. It helps to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and helps in the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Another huge benefit is that you will also be able to buy less food! This is because your chickens will eat ¼ to 1/3 less feed because the fermented feed allows them to get more nutrients will eating less feed.
Follow the steps in the infographic to create your first batch of fermented feed! If you would like to learn more about how to feed your flock, check out The Ultimate Chicken Feed Guide at the following link: https://milefour.com/blogs/learn/chicken-feed-guide