Buried in credit card debt? Not sure where to turn? Scared that your credit score may be negatively affected if you use a debt relief program? Credit card relief programs allow you to you live your life without debt and achieve financial freedom, but these plans also come with a downside. The following infographic highlights each debt relief program and outlines the benefits and disadvantages […] Read more »
The State of Debt: 2016
On November 8th Americans will head to the polls and cast their votes for President. That evening, all of the news stations will undoubtedly be pouring over data and assessing electoral maps to determine which states will be designated red for Republican and which will go blue for Democrat. Inspired by this concept, Lending Club recently created an infographic comparing red and blue states on […] Read more »
5 Ideas You Can Use to Invest on a Low Budget
As you can seen in the infographic we have five ideas for investments with low budgets. In order to participate in any of these investment ideas you will only need a small amount of money to get started. The ideas include: paying your debt, investing in index funds, investing in real estate, making your electric bill shrink and improve the energy efficiency of your house, and opening a […] Read more »
What You Should Know About Student Loans and Getting Married
It’s wedding season again, and with that comes the union of more than just two lovebirds. Newly wedded couples won’t only share the same last name and a home, but (a bit less romantically) accrued debt. If you’re thinking about tying the knot, make sure you look at all your options for money management, such as student loan consolidation. Read this infographic and learn about the things you should know […] Read more »
Why Millennials Don’t Sweat the Student Loan Debt
When it comes to college costs, millennials are spending more money than prior generations; however, they don’t seem to mind. With a higher number of positive attitudes, young people today recognize the value of a four year degree within the workforce, especially when compared to Gen X. Because of this reason, they are paying special attention as to what they will need to study because […] Read more »
Australia’s Alarming Credit Card Addiction
Australia’s credit card debt is growing at an alarming rate with a combined total of $50,126,000,000 owed to lending institutions. This infographic illustrates how that debt is distributed amongst the Australian population. The latest credit card statistics released from the Reserve Bank of Australia paints an alarming portrait of a nation drowning in credit card debt. The 35-44 age group carries the most debt. Don’t get too […] Read more »
What You Should Know About Student Debt
If you are not fortunate enough to get a free education (and is anything in this world really ‘free’ anymore?) and considering financial aid to pay for your tuition and books then this infographic is for you. No one wants to spend the next 10 years paying off their education but that is the reality of life. Or is it? Check below for ways to […] Read more »
Medical Debt in the US
Here’s a question. If someone in your family suffered a major medical emergency, do you have the funds in savings to cover the costs? Most likely the answer to that question is ‘no.’ It’s no wonder then that medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States. And if it isn’t the medical bills themselves, it’s the credit card debt racked up to […] Read more »